benefits - ATRACT

Making dreams come true

The right job for you

At the beginning there is the decision to explore new horizons.
Going abroad for a job requires a lot of courage. We at ATRACT know that. It requires a lot of openness and willpower. And because we are looking for exactly such people, we will support you in your decision wherever we can.

10 good reasons for your opportunities with ATRACT

  • We accompany you all the way from your home country to your new ATRACT employer in Austria, Germany, Switzerland or South Tyrol. Before you start, we provide you with all the information you need so you can plan your journey without worries. Checklists, information material on living and working abroad and individual webinars are at your disposal.
  • After your arrival, you attend our 5-day ATRACT training camp with certified trainers to be well prepared for your new job. No matter which hotel sector you want to work in, you will learn the most important basics in the training camps. German course for the hotel industry included. ATRACT will cover 90% of the costs, including German courses, accommodation and meals.
  • After successfully completing the training camp you will receive an ATRACT certificate which qualifies you for your job.
  • You choose from different working models in the hotel industry – seasonal or yearround. We also offer gig work and internships. Individuality is what sets us apart. After all, we want you to feel comfortable in your new job.
  • With your ATRACT certificate you will receive a job promise from us, depending on your qualifications and skills.
  • Austria and our Germanspeaking neighboring countries are very socially minded. In addition to benefitting from the collective contract, you enjoy many social benefits and advantages as an employee.
  • You can always count on our ongoing support and assistance. We are willing to listen to your concerns.
  • At the beginning of your stay, you have free online German courses with the Babbel app at your disposal.
  • Right from the start, you will meet likeminded people who have fulfilled their dream with ATRACT. You can build friendships with them and learn from their experiences. Several times a year, we at ATRACT organize joint community meetings for everyone.
  • More career planning and living in Austria and the Germanspeaking neighboring countries. If you decide to make a career move, are not satisfied with your job, or have other needs, we are here to help you. With our Coaching on the Job you will be accompanied by us. We support you in the management of your career and talent and ensure your wellbeing at work!

All this is included with ATRACT.


Guaranteed job with the ATRACT training certificate

ATRACT Trainingszertifikat

With ATRACT, you have a guaranteed job in one of our certified partner companies.

Depending on your qualifications, knowledge and experience, we will place you in the company that best suits you.

to all ATRACT Partners

Take Care is fair

ATRACT stands for fair and equal treatment at work. Only if you are satisfied, you feel you are being treated well and your ideas and wishes are being heard, you can develop freely.

More about our take-faire-culture